Want smoke free dining?
Patronize smoke free restaurants.
New Jersey Group Against Smoking Pollution (GASP) is happy to provide you
with this directory.
Tell restaurants you want smoke
free dining.
Tell them:
More than 80% of New Jerseyans are nonsmokers. The Surgeon General and
the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency have concluded that tobacco smoke
pollution causes disease, including cancer and heart disease, in nonsmokers.
It's good business to provide a pleasant environment but foolish to overlook
tobacco smoke pollution, which assaults customers with every breath.
Ask your legislators in Trenton to
make all restaurants smoke free.
Restaurants are required to be sanitary and safe. Of course they should be
smoke free. This is not a pipe dream. Almost 100 cities and counties in eight
states, including Los Angeles, with 7,000 restaurants, and Wake County in North
Carolina, a major tobacco growing state, plus the state of Vermont, have laws
requiring restaurants to be entirely smoke free. (These laws are being passed at
the rate of one a week.) New Jersey's restaurant law is the weakest in the
Support the only New Jersey citizens' action group working for smoke free
dining. Annual membership is $20, tax deductible. GASP will support you with
alerts on pending legislation and new editions of this directory.
This directory is published by the New Jersey Group Against Smoking Pollution. New Jersey GASP would be delighted to hear of other restaurants to include in future editions. New Jersey GASP also publishes:
New Jersey GASP is a nonprofit educational organization whose goals
are to
secure smoke free air for nonsmokers
and to ensure tobacco-free lives for
children. Founded 1974.