BACK TO NJ ASSIST (Stop Smoking) PAGE                      Dated: 1997

Opportunities for Tobacco Prevention Discussions.

Source: Sponsored by the New Hampshire Division of Public Health Services
and the Smoke Free New Hampshire Alliance. 1-800-852-3345, x6891 or 603-271-6891.

-- These are from a 1997 document ! --

If your child is age 0 -4:

If your child is age 5-9:

If your child is age 10-13:

If your child is age 14-18:

General Questions to think about and ask with your children:

Preventive Activities:

Health hazards

For a copy of the discussion prevention poster educational material call the New Hampshire Division of Public Health Service and the Smoke

Free New Hampshire Alliance at 1-800-xxx-3345, extension 6891.