Flemington, NJ
Main Street / Union Hotel

If you look at my Post Cards of Flemington. 
This is the Union Hotel in this photo.

Scroll down to FLEMINGTON to see old post cards of this town.

These pictures were taken at 3:00 PM on Sunday Aug 2015

UPDATE: Jan 2019.  New mayor and two council people (Democrats)
that are apposed to the size and scale of

this "attraction" were elected.

Update:  New mayor, 2023
Update: July 2024 - The "Welcome to Flemington" sign at the circle
company went bankrupt.  Up for auction !

See what the elected officials are thinking to FIX this town !

The new, new, NEW developer... massive is better ! !

FYI - Flemington is a 1 square mile town with it's own Police,
Fire (hope you have a 7 story ladder) and Government.

FYI the Flemington has a new PR site, decent.
The video is nice.. but doesn't identify
where the images are taken when watching.

There is a map you can check out and print (upper left).

To stop the music, button under the map !

Flemington NJ prospective view in 2018

Current structure
As of 2021 only the front exists.

Flemington NJ in 2018


Flemington NJ in 2018


Beautiful downtown Flemington, NJ
Flemington NJ in 2018


Flemington NJ in 2018


This was noted to the township that the side wall has given away. 
With that fire escape and wooden extension by it.  That's added stress.

Flemington NJ in 2018


Amazing this wooden extension is in such good shape.

Flemington NJ in 2018


Back of the Union Hotel

Flemington NJ in 2018


Note the holes in the wall, upper left !  Really Not good.
Broken windows = birds and bees !

Flemington NJ in 2018


As stated in the local paper, in Aug, 2015 the "Redevelopers"
(second group they tried) has not contacted the town,

again after given many months, in their timeline
of what they are going to do with this mess.

Flemington NJ in 2018


Shops next to the Union Hotel

Flemington NJ in 2018


The shop next to the Union Hotel

Flemington NJ in 2018


Down one of the side streets.
Ya gotta remember the paint store ! !

Flemington NJ in 2018